Thursday, December 29, 2011

Consumer Vinturi 6700AM Reviews

Customer reviews for Vinturi 6700AM

Category: Kitchen
Brand: Vinturi
Model: 6700AM
Availability: Online/In-Store
List Price : N/A
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Read Vinturi 6700AM Product review

Vinturi 6700AM Review by wine enthusiast "T" (Florida)

Vinturi 6700AM Review by Rachel A. Parsells (Pennsylvania)

Vinturi 6700AM Review by Kathryn Mathewson (SYRACUSE, NY, US)

More Vinturi 6700AM Reviews...

Vinturi 6700AM::Description

Red wine needs to breathe to allow it to open up, release its intended aromas, and of course, make it taste better. Vinturi's patent pending design speeds up this process by instantly aerating with ease and convenience. Vinturi is the most effective way to aerate wine. Taste your wine the way the winemaker intended. Vinturi wine aerators deliver recognizable improvements immediately: better bouquet, enhanced flavors and smoother finish. Perfect aeration in the time it takes to pour a glass. It couldn't be easier. Vinturi aerators come with a no-drip stand and a travel pouch. Made of acrylic. Aerator and stand are dishwasher safe. Travel pouch is machine washable. The glossy, clear acrylic is elegant and clean. But do note that there are two slight fold lines that extend upward from each air hole. These are normal. During manufacturing, material folds around rods and wraps back, and this causes the fold lines. Set of 2 Vinturi red wine aerators.

Vinturi 6700AM : Buy today for save more!

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Tags : Product Vinturi Essential Red Wine Aerators, Set of 2 rates

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